had a clinic today at El Cacao which is a very remote area. We did our clinic in
an outside open air church. I have included a picture of it below along with a
number of other pictures. I loved the
clinic today and we had plenty of extra help.
Several people who live in Honduras have helped us with interpreting and
also working some of the stations themselves.
They picked up on how to test far vision very well.
We had an older gentleman who had a hard time walking into the clinic. His vision was 20/200 and we found some glasses that would work for him. We got him down to 20/50 with bifocals. He was so excited that he asked if he could have more glasses. We love being able to help people have better vision for their daily lives and then we can give them a Bible in evangelism. We also give out the plan of salvation cards with eye care on one side and plan of salvation on the other side. This is the whole purpose in our mission trips – sharing the love of God with these people. I think I have asked this before but please pray that those cards will be multiplied meaning that as the people take the cards home, they might share them with a family member or a friend and then they would read them and pray and then pass them forward to others.
team has talked this week about the story of Peter stepping out of the boat. I shared this on Facebook. I talked about that this week when I was
afraid of getting into the boat on the island of Roatan when we had to travel
up the water way (called the Oak Ridge Bight) in order to go to church on Sunday and Wednesday
night. I really didn’t want to do that
because that is one of only a couple of things I am afraid of. Nothing else
really scares me but I told everyone that I was having a hard time stepping
into the boat and shared that Peter wanted to step out of the boat but took his
eyes off Jesus and began to sink. I said that I would keep my eyes on Jesus and
I would get into that boat. I did just
that and now I can get into boats at night.
I knew my problem was faith. I took my eyes off Jesus and my fear
grew. Now I know I have to focus on my
Savior who died for me and I can handle anything that comes my way. That is what we should all focus on when
problems or other situations come at us and we feel that we can’t deal with
this alone. We are never alone when we
have given our hearts to Him and we trust in Him to carry us through every
storm in life. I love the song “Praise
You In This Storm”. I know He will lift
me up and carry me through anything the enemy throws at me as long as I trust
in Him and praise Him through everything.

Bucket being his very happy self as always
Very satisfied customer
Another happy patient
Our inventory trailer
This is the church where we did our clinic today
enough for today. Check back tomorrow for more pictures and stories. Thank you
for all your prayers for our team and the people of Honduras.