The team arrived in Honduras on Friday. We had a very productive work day on Saturday. The medical team went to Belaire where we will be having clinics next week and got their supplies set up and ready for Monday. Three of the new team members had the opportunity to go up into the mountaints to bring back a young man in a wheelchair to the clinic for wound care. He will stay with Evelyn for a week. Both of his caregivers have passed away. The eye team went to Cruzadas where all of our supplies and our inventory trailer is stored. We had a great day getting the trailer ready for Monday and even had the time to put together some new inventory eyeglass trays that we hope to use next year.
On Saturday night we went to Pastor Mario's church. The scripture was Proverbs 31 and we noticed that there were only a couple of men at the service. We finally found out during the course of the service that is was a women's conference but the men enjoyed the service anyway. This was definately their first women's conference!
On Sunday morning we went to the church that Leonard Jones and his wife and his children at the orphanage attend each week. It was a great time of praise and worship. We had to walk about 1/2 mile from the vans to the church on a dirt road and the church was held outdoors under an awning. We sat in small children's chairs and there was a generator used to run the speaker system. Would we consider walking a 1/2 mile in the extreme heat and sitting outside with mosquitos in small children's chairs for that long to worship God? I don't know how quick I would have done that back home but I was so thankful for the opportunity to be able to praise and worship Him during this service. It was an experience I won't forget. The praise time was awesome and we haven't stopped talking about it since. God keeps reminding me to praise Him everywhere in every circumstance.
Prayer request: Please pray for the rain to stop so that the people in the community will be able to come to the clinics. We have had rain since we have been here and we want the opportunity to minister to as many people as possible.
Es una cosa de Dios! It's A God Thing!