Matthew 28: 19-20

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20

Monday, June 20, 2011

Mission trip June 2011

We had a wonderful opportunity to minister to the people in Belaire. We were located at Evelyn Castellar’s Clinica de Los Angeles in Belaire, Honduras. The eye team was able to service 216 patients. The team dispensed 134 pairs of readers and 63 pairs of prescription glasses. Patients whose near vision could not be corrected enough to read a Bible were given the large print Scripture book “La historia de Jesus Cristo”. Sunglasses were also given to all patients and their children who came to the clinic and they were informed about the importance of using sunglasses to protect their eyes. About 400 pairs of sunglasses were given to the patients who came through the clinic.

When each patient finished at all stations in the eye clinic, they went finally to the evangelism station with Brenda Hyche and our beloved interpreter, NaNa. Over 50 patients were saved and many others rededicated their lives. Bibles were given to everyone who came through the clinic. Evangelism was our primary mission and everyone rejoiced at the ones who were saved and rededicated their lives to the Lord. One man had a huge smile on this face when he started to leave after praying with Brenda and NaNa. The look on his face said it all. This made it all worth it.

Patients were also informed about ways to purify water and prevent dehydration. They were given an eye care booklet called “Los Ojos” and well as booklets on sanitation and hygiene.
“It’s a God Thing” Eye Team members included me, Dale Hyche, Brad Hyche, Hugh Guffey, and Mary Guffey from Alabama and Yaqui Sanches Calix, Patty Calderon, and  LDS volunteer Elder Jones from La Ceiba.  There were other team members who also helped including Angela Calvert, Michelle Hallmark, and Alicia Hyche. Brent Brady was a great help in carrying the inventory to Belaire and with assistance in our transportation. As always, God bless America!

Below is a link to pictures from the 2011 trip.

A mom and her baby with sunglasses.
A little boy from Leonard's home who wanted blue eyeglasses. Guf made sure he got the glasses he asked for.
Mary working the near vision station.

A few of the girls from Shalom Girl's Camp

Brad holding the daughter of one of our patients. She loved her sunglasses and Brad made sure she got a pair.